1. Distaff. ao3 | 2k | Gen This story is poetic, comparing the differences between a male and female Tony Stark in snippets. How clean are their hands? How are their relationships with Maria? It's a gorgeous oneshot and well worth a few minutes to read. 2. The Limitations of Wax. ao3 | 214k | OT3 This is absolutely not the fic for fans of the Stark parents. The themes are heavy, involving child abuse and sexism, but I found something resonated in the story with me. A lot of fiction writers choose to relay horrors like abuse with a feather light touch. This story just lays it on with a straightforward writing style. I'm also quite enamored with the build up for the relationship, despite it not being my preferred pairing. 3. The Iron Lady. ao3 | 8k | Femslash This is a nice change from some of the other female Tony Stark fics in the sense that she still has a relationship with Pepper Potts. The story-line also covers Iron Man 3, showing us...